Friday, November 03, 2006

things come and go
like a kite
if the string is tight
and u use force to pull it
it will snip
and the kite wont return back to u

again, the quarrel is on him
samantha's words are more trustable thn mine?
my heart tore
but u couldnt see
it's alright
should i be used to it?
can i be like a kite
free after the string snap
of all times
when i am so stress
you do this
to hurt me one way or another
i find it hard to breathe
when i am stress
and what did u do
u add more burdens to me
should i just let go
why hold on?
wont it be committing suicide?

crazy how it feels
i want to hold on
just like a child
wanting a toy
begging her parents
to get it for her
would they say No?
what should i do
u tell me?
even though
things are already like tat
u still want
this child dont you?

if all you want is him
just tell him in his face
dont do dirty tricks behind all our backs
u are who u are
he can choose who he wants
a child or you
so give him back
his rights to choose
will you
or will you just
hold him back
and create more problems
for him?
think about it.