Thursday, November 13, 2008

Things that ran through my mind

Maybe I expect too much.
Why do I always most of the times get disappointed when i lie on my bed thinking through the day.
I dont understand at all. a single thing at all.
You get upset when i talk to or mention his name
Thn why is it okay that you can say hi or wave or smile or whatever to her?
You claim you dislike her hate her or something on the negative side.
You told me that you didnt like it when she called my name or whatever
and its so natural for you to wave say hi smile or whatever to her.
maybe what you said to me are lies or just a cover up
maybe I'm just someone to take over her job.
I dont know and I dont want to care
Maybe deep down she is still "someone"
Is it because she was your first
Whatever lar.
I think I expect too much way too much.