Took the single deck 161. [8am]
apparently there was a traffic jam.
Cos of accident
Reached woodlands at [9.16am]
Late already.
Met classmate on bus as well.
Waiting for 169.
The first double deck 161 [7.48am] reached.
It reached later than the [8am] bus.
Thn behind it was another 161 [8.15am] bus.
And after 5 minutes
the fourth 161 came.
WOW.. apparently. alot of people were late!
during the first break.
classmates discussed if we shld charbo class
Pandi came to class.
during second meeting,
peeps in class discussing on movie to watch and such
thn decided to leave at 12pm
we packed our stuff and left school
headed down to cineleisure
took pictures
BON SAN took it when we were looking at KHAI
First Row : Khai, YuanFeng, SOPHIA, Teresa, Yuenky
Second Row :BonSan, Lester, KC
and caught THE BRAVE ONE
nice movie. but it was alittle draggy.
thn we went shopping at wisma.