After church and committee meeting Jon met me and Gabriel at Plaza Singapura. We were looking for masks and randomly took pictures. Had Fish & CO for DINNER [the glass house]
Stupid Fly! Deserve to die!!!
Gab's Swordfish
Jon's Fish & Chips
My Crawfish spag not Cray but Craw! lol.
Had to come to school for module selection talk.Cabbed to school and back. Came home vomited three times. Not feeling well and coughing non - stop.
After class Delon and I went to this Psychology Talk. I thought it was Interesting Unlike Someone, played games during that talk. I randomly took photos too. =)
WeiJian - i caught the guy on photo! That guy that attends every talk! Look carefully behind him is Yunlong! LOL!
Erebus that Idiot hid from my viewty!
Delon [Peanut Brain] =)
Class was boring as usual. No one in school de wad! lol. Met YanMing XueFang LiXia Amutha Delon during 2nd break. They came to school to study for UT! After school, Delon and I went to Jurong to IceSkate! Damn Slippery lar! I fell =X And my left hand hurts now! Took 105 back. DAMN LONG! Can Die lar!!! An Hour Plus i think. Cant Rmber.
Looks like the hand is lifting Delon's Cap! lol.
My Duck Porridge - Damn nice =)
My Blue Black - Painful =X
Lab work. Pictures lar.
The Rice is so green. I realised it is brighter thn my room wall!
Study with YanMing and Erebus in the Library today! we DIDNT play dota!! which was a good thing! =)