We split into two different taxis - Erebus Delise Me and Boyfriend, TengKiat Theresa SittHui and YanMing. Reached there checked in. The counter asked me for my age as he thought i was only 17 -.- wad the hell! cos you got to be 18 to checked in. LOL! The place was not to bad. We stock up the ingredients. Erebus made drinks. thn all of them went to the swimming pool leaving me and boyfriend to have our own private time together. Lol. Had a good talk with him even though we end up not being on good terms. We went out to find the rest of the group and the guys attacked Boyfriend cos they wanted him to be wet as well. But end up, YanMing was knocked on the floor after hugging Boyfriend and Darling lip was bleeding. =( All of us went to rent our bikes for the night. We had dinner and i went to get my slipper at NUM! =)
Played True and Dare. Wasnt that bad cos i didnt kanna! lol. Well we know more things about each other already.
Everyone [Darling Me Delise YanMing Theresa Claudia TengKiat Jasper Sharman Sabrina] except Erebus and SittHui went to cycle. We at first wanted to cycle to East Coast [f.y.i. our chalet is at Pasir Ris] then we somehow got a little lost then change of destination to Bedok. We cycled different terrains. Like on muddy water, the road, dry area grass and such. Lol. It was damn fun lar! We were all hungry and tired thus had a fulfilling meal and continued our journey back. Thanks to YanMing we got back on a quicker route. Lol! =)
All of us were having butt pain after cycling for like 4 hours. Damn shag. YanMing Delise Boyfriend and Me cycled to the interchange to get the mixer drink for our alcohol. We rested a while and started pouring Baileys and JackDaniels. Played the drinking game which YanMing taught us. Was fun as Me Delise& YanMing wanted to be the ones that were asked to drink cos we LOVE Baileys! We sabo Erebus as well and he got drunk. Wasnt feeling that well as i drank quite abit of both and went up with Darling to sleep. The whole night my heart was beating damn fast. Lol. and i was freaking like a warmer. Lol.
Next day, we had breakfast at superdog. then arcade awhile and went to borrow Mahjong! HAHA. its like $25 for the rental of mahjong tiles table and stools but we paid $75 because the deposit was $50! anyways, mahjong was fun! after a while i got bored then went to find Sabby Sharman and Jasper as they were at the pool. I so wanted to swim like the day before but we couldnt go in the pool with shirt and shorts and i didnt bring my swim wear. lol. Talked awhile thn i think the life guard wanted to ask me to not sit near the pool but when he walked over i realised that he was actually Patrick - SinYing's friend. So coincidental. Anyways, i asked him if i could swim and he allowed was so happy. Changed and jumped in. It felt super good! After bathing, while waiting for the bbq was so bored that i went over to the pool to find Patrick. chatted for quite some time before going back to the chalet where me and sharman started challenging djmax up in the room where the rest of the people were downstairs. BBQ finally came and people started strolling in and cook food. GuoZhen came with her son and husband. We talked and finally was bored thus we mahjong again. Lol. Fun sia keep mahjong-ing.
People left and we all packed up. had one more packet of marshmallow thus our clique bbq-ed it. As it was SittHui birthday and it was 12 am already Erebus was playing with the fire and we called SittHui out to blow the fire. Damn funny. All of us then go up to the room and talked awhile. But YanMing Delise and SittHui were tired thus they went down to sleep leaving Me Boyfriend TengKiat and Erebus upstairs. We chatted alot with the lights off. Laughed like crazy until YanMing shout say if we made more noise he wanted to call the police. Like super funny lar. call police to catch the people upstairs but same unit! Lol. We had a long talk and Erebus open up to us and told us alot of stuff. Some of which i know before. Then we slept.
The last day, we all slack on the bed. And somehow waited for the people to call us to check out. We packed our stuff than return mahjong. And left to eat breakfast at burgerking. After that we bought 1 ticket for Wild Wild Wet and went in. We had 6 free tickets because of the chalet. We had lots of fun. Sat on the damn high slide thingy with Darling. Was super scary cos i got phobia of heights. Lol it was fun lar but scary. It was fast. Lol. I drop a tear though but since there were water that splash on my face no one could tell. I guess everyone had fun there. All got alittle burn except Delise. She from white change to red. Like some lobster. Funny la.
Overall damn fun! =) thanks peeps.
Boyfriend and ME
Clique! [Boyfriend Me YanMing Delise TengKiat Erebus]
edited by delise
i had lots of fun! the best part is i had Darling with me all the time =) Loves!