People that went : Darling Me YanMing Delise TengKiat[XiaoTing] Sabrina XueFang SittHui Kasminah. And i bought my all time favourite Green Apple Yakult! Yipee. haha! =)
Went with Darling YanMing XiaoTing Delise Erebus Sharman and Sabrina to this job thingy at suntec. It was kinda fun at first. then it became boring and tiring thus didnt want to talk at all. We were totally scammed. haha! we had to like pack 1600+ of goodie bags and we had so little people. i thought we could finish by 7 or maybe 8 since sabby said we would be able to leave by then. she herself didnt expect them to make us pack so much. But we had fun packing. the atmosphere looked like it was at rp thus we made alot of noise and stuff but nobody complain! haha! clique hang around and then went our separate ways.
On my way home, i randomly talked to this guy which lended me his phone so that i could call home. cos my keys are in yew tee. haha! apparently everyone at home is fast asleep. and if i didnt make that call i can just sit outside my house and rot. lol. =X
random meets : sherman and elaine Lol! Singapore is SO small
Pictures will be uploaded when i get to darling's place. cos everything is there =)